Monday, November 26, 2012

Web Affects - Drugs

In a 1995 study conducted by NASA Dr. David Noever & his team of researches studied webs which were spun by common household spiders which had been dosed with several drugs, such as caffine, marijuana, LSD etc.

The study showed that the higher drug toxicity, the less organised the spider web was!

Below are some of the results:
  • The spider on marijuana feel asleep before it finished building its web
  • The spider on an upper, benzedrine, worked energetically but was its web was unorganised
  • The spider dosed with the sedative chloral hydrate, soon fell asleep.
  • The spider dosed with caffeine proved incapable of creating even a single organized cell, and its web showed no sign of the “hub and spokes” pattern.
The differences and effects can be seen in the images below


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