Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bug of the Week - 2

This weeks bug of the week is the Giraffe Weevil !

Named simply because of its large neck, the giraffe weevil is only found in Madagascar. The males neck is 2-3 times longer than the female and they use it to fight off other male giraffe weevils and to build nests.

This amazing looking bug is not alone, New Zealand also has a giraffe weevil and is the longest weevil in the world!

The Giraffe weevil is a newly discovered species and I am sure as time moves along we will find out alot more about this spectacular looking bug!

Isnt it Amazing! 

The New Zealand Giraffe Weevil

All Images found online | No copyright infringement intended | All rights belong to their rightful owners

Watch how the Male species fight


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