Friday, May 24, 2013

The Zombie Apocalypse, Caterpillar Style!

A virus which has struck the caterpillar world sends hypnotized victims running for tree tops. An action that is unusual for this type of caterpillar species. In a normal scenario the caterpillar would feed on leaves at night and hide during the day in cracks and crevices of the tree branch, however this virus has managed to change the natural habits of this caterpillar, by sending it up higher in the trees, not to feed but to die.

Once dead their bodies melt and fall down onto their brothers and sisters below, enabling the virus to continue to spread. This virus is known as Baculovirus and has seen to affect gypsy moth caterpillars.

This virus has turned caterpillars into Zombies!

When the caterpillar dies its body turns to liquid!

Each single drop of liquefied caterpillar contains millions of viruses.

One more worrying thing that has been discovered is that the virus is able to survive in the bellies of birds that have fed on the caterpillar; the virus is spread wider by the bird’s droppings.

All Images found online | No copyright infringement intended | All rights belong to their rightful owners


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