Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How much damage can Rats & Mice do to your home?

Rodent infestations rise when it gets cold. Rodents spread diseases as well as causing damage to wiring, timber, pipes and brickwork. Did you know rats and mice are very good climbers? Did you also know Rats can come up through the sewers an...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Global warming and Pest control

How the Carbon Tax and Termites are related   Did you know that termites are ranked the 2nd highest natural source of methane emissions in the world? This means that termites are responsible for 18% of the world’s methane output. Some peo...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Commercial Pest Control for Food Establishments

What is Lurking in your restaurants Kitchen? Is your restaurants favorite kitchen clean from pests? There was a bug in my food, what should I do? Let’s face it we are all a little naive when it comes to what is lurking around in the kitchens...

Commercial Pest Control for Food Establishments

What is Lurking in your restaurants Kitchen? Is your restaurants favorite kitchen clean from pests? There was a bug in my food, what should I do? Let’s face it we are all a little naive when it comes to what is lurking around in the kitchens...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Termite Detection Dog at work with Sydneys Best Pest Control

A small video showing how a termite inspection with a specially trained termite dog works

What is non-toxic pest control?

Is there such a thing as non-toxic pest control? I don’t know about you, but when you call a pest control company, does hearing on

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Who is responsible for pest control in a rental property

Pest control covers different types of pests that can invade your home or business, such as cockroaches, bedbugs, spiders, ants, fleas, rodents, possums, snakes, bees, wasps and termites. One of more of these pests could at one stage become a p...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

There's a rat in the Restaurant!

Picture this, it is 7pm on a Friday night, your restaurant is full, newer customers have just ordered their entree while others are moving onto their main meal. Out of nowhere, a woman screams and jumps up onto the table, jumping up and down and sc...

Is there an increase in rodents in Sydney

No one likes the idea of rodents invading their home let alone coming into a room to see a rat or mouse running across the floor or the noise of them scratching the roof or wall spaces.  Rats and mice are usually more active in the winter mo...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pest Control Solutions for Real Estate & Strata

A full range of pest management solutions tailored to suit the needs of the individual business which is designed to minimize disruption to your tenants, staff & commercial clients. We can solve all your pest control needs right now, and give ...

Is there an increase in rodents in Sydney

No one likes the idea of rodents invading their home let alone coming into a room to see a rat or mouse running across the floor or the noise of them scratching the roof or wall spaces.  Rats and mice are usually more active in the winter mo...

Do Ultrasonic Pest & Rodent Devices Work

Every year new items are introduced to the market that promises to rid and keep your home pest free. The latest trend and is something we are asked frequently about is the ultrasonic or electronic insect and rodent repellers which can be found on tv,...