Sunday, October 19, 2014

Have you had your termite inspection done?

When should I have a termite inspection done? How often should termite inspections be done? Have you had your annual termite inspection done? Australian standards recommend that termite inspections be carried out annually. While insp...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

German Cockroaches 101

If you have come across small cockroaches that appear either in the kitchen, behind or in the microwave, behind near or in the fridge, the bathroom or in a restaurant chances are you have an issue with German cockroaches. The German cockroach ...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rain, hail or wind storms & Pest Control

During this time of the year storms of rain, hail and win are common in Sydney. While we worry about possible damage that could be caused to our homes & possessions there is one other possibility we need to consider. During a wild storm da...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How you can welcome pests in your home

Are you unknowing doing something that could potentially invite pests into your home? How can clutter invite pests? We all have that place that in our homes we don’t use, which we use as storage for all the things we are not using. These belongings are often left untouched for long periods and these hiding (continue reading...)

How you can welcome pests in your home

Are you unknowing doing something that could potentially invite pests into your home? How can clutter invite pests? We all have that place that in our homes we don’t use, which we use as storage for all the things we are not using. These be...

How you can welcome pests in your home

Are you unknowing doing something that could potentially invite pests into your home? How can clutter invite pests? We all have that place that in our homes we don’t use, which we use as storage for all the things we are not using. These belongings are often left untouched for long periods and these hiding (continue reading...)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mosquitoes 101

Mosquitoes expected to swarm Sydney How to get rid of Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are small and delicate which have piercing and sucking mouth parts. In Australia there are over 270 described species. The blood sucking habit of the female mosquito has gi...

Mosquitoes 101

Mosquitoes expected to swarm Sydney How to get rid of Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are small and delicate which have piercing and sucking mouth parts. In Australia there are over 270 described species. The blood sucking habit of the female mosquito has gi...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The heat is on, and so are termites

Do termites increase in summer? As we say goodbye to the winter months and a say a big HELLO the warmer months of spring and summer we should remember that the warmer months are peak season for termites. Termites are the number one pest that impac...