Friday, January 16, 2015

How can I prevent ants?

How did I get cockroaches?

The most common question asked by home owners and thrown at pest control companies worldwide is How did I get cockroaches? This question is one that has plagued home owners from years. You are seeing them in the back of the kitchen drawers, outside, in the garage and even worse the food cupboards. YUCK (continue reading...)

Are you buying a new home? Keep Reading

Pest & building inspections Sydney Buying a new home can be exciting as well as scary, because there are hidden dangers that can lurk behind walls, in roof cavities, in sub floors that the average person may not be able to detect. A Pest and building inspection is the buyers chance to ensure the house (continue reading...)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

We are more than just a pest control company…

Many people have and continue to ask how could I possibly enjoy or even like working for a pest control company, when constantly I m talking about cockroaches, rats, mice, bedbugs etc The majority of my family & friends see how much I love my job, but as well, do not understand how this could be (continue reading...)