Wednesday, November 28, 2012

X-Rated Traumatic Insemination

Bed bugs are becoming a significant problem in Australia and around the world. Bed bugs are easily spread and difficult to treat, which is resulting in a rapid growth in the number of bed bug outbreaks. 

But did you also know that the bedbug is listed in the top 10 animals for the weirdest & most violent mating habits?

The male bedbug in fact stabs the female in the abdominal region with his sharp genitalia and inseminates her directly in her body cavity. 

However as the male bedbug isn't not the brainiest creature (I wont utter a word.. I promise lol) he will attempt to mate with another male! 

Unfortunate though for the innocent male bedbug this mistaken identity & having his abdomen speared by a males needlelike member will cause its death. 

Only the female bedbug has evolved to grow defense cells against the bedbug insemination process.


I have even included a video of this process watch if you dare....


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