Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Four-hour long erections?

The long awaited blog post has been written! 

My sincere apologies for the delay, cause I know that many have been waiting for the rest of the story! 

So here goes... however I dont know if the rest of the story is what you boys really want to know or not...

Or maybe I shall just keep you in suspense a lil longer.....

ok, ok here goes

Just one single bite from the Brazilian wandering spider also known as  armed spider, banana spider or Phoneutria nigriventer which is native to South and Central America has shown to have a number of side effects, one of them being a 4 hour long erection.

However this is not an ordinary erection, it is a very painful erection *sits back and waits for the womens comments! & it also causes loss of muscle control, severe pain, difficulty breathing and if its victim is not treated with anti-venom, it could lead to death due to oxygen deprivation....some of our facebook fans were correct in predicting that it can cause death.

The good news though is that it is estimated that only 10 humans out of 7,000 have died from its bite.

& the rest of the good news is that this spiders venom is being tested to possibly in the future develop medications for those in which viagra does not work.


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